Reading Restaurant

We had a reading restaurant at school on Friday.Our theme was music around the world. We did research on different instruments from other countries and then chose four instruments we wanted to share about at reading restaurant. We called our restaurant Rhythm Restaurant since music requires rhythm.

A reading restaurant is set up a lot like a regular restaurant you visit to eat lunch or dinner except instead of real food you serve things you can read like poems, stories, and quotes. We all waited in a line inside our room and when a customer came we sat them at a table and gave them our Rhythm Restaurant menu. They chose an appetizer which was a quote from a famous singer or musician and we read their choice to them. Then, we let them pick a main dish which was a short passage about an instrument. For dessert they could listen to us read a story that we wrote about a song that meant something to us.

These are the things our guests were able to order from our menu. You can click on the names to see what we read to our customers.

Reading Restaurant MENU


Main Dishes






Here are some videos of the instruments we researched just in case you want to hear what they sound like.


‘ili ‘ili-




We took a lot of pictures of the event. Take a look at the Rhythm Restaurant. We had a great time!


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